17 June 2009


Life is an interesting thing. I am constantly surprised by life and watching people live it. This is the season of weddings and working at a Biblical university means that there is a large portion of the student body getting married during their time here. I would imagine that all but 10% of the men in my graduating class were either married or engaged by graduation. At times this really bothered me, and when my student workers approach me about their relationships, which is somewhat inevitable, I always try to give them good advise. It isn't always easy, I am an observer of human nature and life, but I have not yet been on a date myself. So my advise doesn't necessarily have personal experience behind it.

I just read an interview from E-harmony with Steve Harvey, and it was something that I wish my school and church would talk about at an earlier stage in most of these students lives. His advise is biblically sound (for the most part, however the Bible does preach total abstinence before marriage not 90 days), and just very practical. I dearly wish I had this advise when I worked with Student Life.

So for now I will continue to observe and to understand, but I just thought this article was something that should be shared. It is hard for women my age in the church to find a spouse within the walls of the church. Most men my age are out "sowing their wild oats" and do not generally come back to the fold until a relationship brings them there. So many of my unmarried friends are disappointed with relationships but constantly longing for one. Maybe some of this advise might be good for them.