28 August 2013

I am a Social Librarian...well sort of

I have always liked knowing about new things and products, but never having any money have rarely had the means to purchase high tech stuff.  That is fine I would really rather have someone else work out the bugs.  One thing about Social Media and the Web is that you don't necessarily have to have money to be a big shot.  You can tweet, blog, vine and all the other social media tools to your hearts content without spending a dime...as long as you have access to the internet.  Anyways,  I thank Joe Murphy +Joe Murphy and @library_connect for creating this sweet info-graphic.

24 July 2013

Lacking imagination

Yesterday I made a comment, one I have made before, but due to a book I am reading currently it bothered me.  I have always considered Amillennialists to be idealists, and in fact I believe I stated that it worried me. How can humans who are so imperfect ever bring about a change in society that would have Christ return to to a world that has despised him?  However that got me to thinking...what if it is our job? God can do amazing things, more than we can dream or ask (Eph. 3:20 &21). So many men and women in the Bible went from something negative or at least something humble to something the world would consider great.  Therefore have I been limiting God or has my view of God been limited?

I am a bit of a pessimist, I generally use the word "realist" but honestly that isn't radically different we both acknowledge that the glass is not full, it is just not empty.  But what if we could ignore the labels and dream a bigger dream? Instead of seeing myself as just a Librarian, I saw or recognized that God sees me as my possible future self? Joseph was a wrongfully convicted convict and became the second most powerful man in the country.  Moses' title changed dramatically throughout his lifetime.  Rahab was a prostitute and became a woman God deemed worthy of being a great-grandmother in the line of Kings and ultimately the King of Kings.

I sometimes miss the conviction I had about certain theological ideas while I was in college.  I wasn't really for or against dispensationalism or coventalism, but most other areas were pretty concrete. Now I have been out of undergrad for 8 years and the lines are getting blurry.  I want to love people because they are Christ's image bearers (Col. 1:15-29), I don't wan to label them. But in a world that is so "don't box me in" we certainly have more labels than we ever have before. Bear with me as I try to work these things out through this blog and if you are around me in person.

17 May 2013


I believe I found this one on one of those Dilbert of the Day calendars.  I think I liked it as someone told me, with the best possible intentions, that I should be a consultant.  At that point I believe I taped it to the outside of my college dorm door.


14 May 2013

Library humor

Please humor me...I am a librarian, and a geek.

That is all for now.

09 May 2013


Life since my grandmother died has been insane.

I have been to WV twice in 2 months, my sister was here for almost 3 weeks, and graduation and vacation are around the corner.  This year has been rather busy and I need to start eating vegan again.  My allergies have been a mess and I attribute it to the meat and dairy.  Though I do have a plan for stopping my WaWa runs in the morning.  I bought a blender ball shaker and think that if I do one of the plant/vegan shakes in the morning it will help up my veggie intake and it will help with my allergies.  I only really hope that it will work.  If not on to plan B!

Next week is finals week and it amazes me that it is already here.  On top of that I had to fire a student today, and I have had 2 leave.  I dearly hate conflict of any kind.  INFJ's just are not programed for it.  However as a department head in the library it is part of my job description.

Now the subject of a second degree has begun again.  I miss my time in the classroom, but am not sure what degree to work towards.  Counseling would be okay, but I am not sure I can do it...I still don't know how effective it will be as I am not married yet.  Teacher education would be good in some ways as lesson planning and developing objectives which would help with teaching information literacy.  Business would also be good as I am frequently put into positions of leadership and have had no management classes and definitely no classes regarding finance.  And there are those air dreams people have to which I am no stranger.  I frequently dream of owning my own business.  Not simply so that I can be independent, but rather as I want to share some of my favorite things with others.  Owning a shop that sold fair trade products as well as coffee and tea is one of them.  Another is owning a restaurant of some sort that was uber-healthy but also uber-yummy.  I love making vegan desserts that people cannot recognize as vegan.  The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur  and the Happy Herbivore are two of my favorites.

Ahh well, those are air dreams.  I also dream of my own home, something cozy but big enough for company.  I dream of children...but not when I have a migraine.

In other news I have a new second job helping with a Day Spa.  I have been working on creating a blog for them and boy has it been a lot of work.  My grasp of html and css is rather sad.  But I am learning and instead of memorizing everything I have learned what I need to survive.

28 February 2013


I am sad, worn, and sick at heart. 

There are a variety of reasons for this, but mostly it is due to my grandmother dying.  She has cancer that silent and annoying killer.  Yet she is only 77, she is such a stubborn person I guess I wasn't expecting it to be so soon.  And yet, the older I get the more I would rather not linger in this mortal coil.  Not because it is a horrible place, it certainly can be.  But it can also be awe inspiring, beautiful, and thrilling.  It is mostly because I do not want to be dependent upon medication to be alive.  I do not want to feel miserable the last years of my life.  I want to be helpful, retired but not inactive.  I want to travel, to meet with people, to have family and friends that I love and can visit with throughout the weeks and years. 

Yet I am currently shaping up to be a miserable or at least lonely person.  I have friends, but not close friends.  I have never needed a ton of people but I would like to have a close small group of friends in this country.  My sister, my cousins, they are the people to whom I am the closest, yet they all live fairly far away.  And traveling is expensive. If I didn't have the student debt and the car/credit debt it wouldn't bother me, but as I was not trained in wise financials at an earlier age.  I need to dig myself out. 

I want children and a spouse.  I really do, but I haven't the talent of meeting new people.  I can talk to anyone at work, but anytime I notice that a man doesn't have a wedding ring I freeze and become some odd and awkward, out of sync person mumbling heaven knows what. 

Anyhow, if Grammie does read this...I know we didn't always get along.  We both are stubborn, and like for things to go our way.  I love you.  I had always planned that I would like my first daughter to be named Margaret.  We shall see if I have a daughter, but I wanted you to know.