15 December 2007

My paper if anyone cares.

Here is my paper if anyone cares. But it explains my use of Berners-Lee.


I really do hate long papers. I have such trouble with communicating the thoughts that are going through my head. It would take a book series to completely express all of the information that I went through for this paper. I have something like 60 articles, and 9 books on my dining room table. The problem is I couldn't add them in, without sounding like a brainless moron. There is so much stuff out there. Much to my chagrin I didn't feel like it worked to add in hardly any of the philosophers but Berners-Lee. (Odd, I wanted to add this one Lessig comment dealing with the Kindle so badly, so I will leave it here.

Lawrence Lessig: I have been doing this for about two years--more than 100 of these gigs. This is about the last one. One more and it's over for me. So I figured I wanted to write a song to end it. But then I realized I don't sing and I can't write music. But I came up with the refrain, at least, right? This captures the point. If you understand this refrain, you're gonna' understand everything I want to say to you today. It has four parts:

  • Creativity and innovation always builds on the past.

  • The past always tries to control the creativity that builds upon it.

  • Free societies enable the future by limiting this power of the past.

  • Ours is less and less a free society. 1

I just couldn't seem to add this without going off on some completely random tangent.)

Dr. Shulman, I do believe in Service learning, I am a convert, but doing it for one class I think is the problem. I think I am more of a advocate for it as a whole year or program long activity. I am only starting to receive back answers from a couple of the organizations I sent inquiries to now. Slow response time.

Okay I am off to work on some Christmas presents. Have a lovely Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

1. http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/214

09 December 2007

Mad as Hatters

Where things stand now.

++ what is the central question you paper speaks to?
The central question or observation is that there is indeed a divide, but the divide is different depending on your audience. Some of the questions being asked are "What can Service learning or Web 2.0 do to lessen these divides. Do student's or senior citizens acknowledge the divides? Is access the problem or is it more psychological?

++ what are the most relevant theories?
This is what I am currently working through. Rawls and Mills are two that I am currently working on. I also want to include Berners-Lee and Lessig.

++ who are your straw people?
Ignorance, Mis-communication, still working on it.

++ what are your tentative findings?
There is a digital divide, it has levels, and it will only get worse if something isn't done now. the best way to work on the digital divide is to be proactive, access is important, but so is early training. If you want your citizens to be digital you need to have additional benefits for those people who can't afford it. As you can see they aren't clearly defined yet.