29 June 2006

Nvu equals a New Headache

I really hate learning to use new applications, especially ones that are supposed to be user friendly and aren't. For some reason I just couldn't get it to work for me. I ended up transfering it over using the ftp internet explorer way and copying the file over. I have no clue what it is that I am missing. My boss came to help me and even then we had a problem. [Sigh]

I am now trying to remember that I have to blog. I can only be so consistent for so long and then I stop remembering things. Especially with assignments such as these.

My car decided to try and die on me this morning while I was driving into work. That sucks. Unless the bill is under $50 to fix him, he needs to go to the dump and die, after he has been picked over for parts. There are some good ones in there, I should know due to the bills that have accumulated. I have to go out now and see if he lives, or if a tow truck is needed. I keep trying to remember the old saying "God only gives us as much as we can handle" but right now I feel in need of a huge shovel to pick me up.

28 June 2006

Over the river and through the woods

Let's see, my birthday weekend went well, I went to a wedding, spending oodles of time in the car since I had to go out for the rehersal dinner, drive home, then drive back the next day (good time to read the final book for the paper that was due on June 26). The wedding was between two friends of mine from college. It was 2 1/2 hours away, in Danville, PA. It was an amazing contrast, the church being in the middle of farm country, the music was all classic, with several selections from opera pieces, sung very well by friends. And then since the groom is a farm boy, despite being a music major (music major = insane at least at my school) they got bombarded by grain seed and driven by a tractor through the parking lot. So I spent close to 10 hours in a car this weekend, which was very good for my reading if very bad for my side.

Then on Monday I wrote my paper, it is amazing how when I am sorting out my thoughts for papers, I rarely ever go where I think I am going to at the beginning. Thoughts start sprouting and taking root during the whole process. Yes it is a little odd, but that is almost always the way I write, outlines never seem to work, which is something I really have to work on.

Let's see tomorrow we will be discussing Superman, Pirates, and HTML vs. XML. You're excited aren't you. I can tell.

22 June 2006

Not by bread alone

I am sitting at Panera and enjoying a wonderful salad and free internet, can anything be better? ( I am sure the answer is yes, but being that I just got out of work, this is wonderful!) The only thing that could make me happier is a huge comfy chair. (oh, and my internet to be working at home!)

Today is my birthday. I always get contemplative on my birthday, well contemplative and completely nondecisive. Family have been calling throughout the day and now I am sitting eating and reading at a place with really good bread. I am not sure about the contemplative part, I am generally contemplative, why else would I have 3 blog sites, a journal on my computer and another beside my bed? But on my birthday, it is different. Oh, I don't know.

Anyways, I think I got the Cloud Tag assignment completed, it worked for me when I was signed in anyways. I think it is very funny that I worked getting all my tags for Connotea making sure they were proper and mostly different from delicious and then it won't work. Very odd and vaguely disappointing.

I am now going to go back to reading.

20 June 2006

Internet Scout is killing me

I was having a hard time trying to find interesting sites and then "cataloging" them, so I built an email list and then sent it to myself. But it got even worse as I was trying to add them on yesterday and I could only get like 6 of them on, and half of those I had to do twice before they would go on. I have them all I promise, but the system just wasn't working yesterday.

My internet is still not working well. I am going to see if the school I work at will give me access to everything I need so that after work I can stay late and do some of the stuff, at least until the lovely IT hubby can come out and work on the problem to see if I have to switch to someone else. This is so annoying! Thanks Stephanie for the help, I have to wait and do it in a bit. I am glad and rather nervous about doing the HTML stuff, at least my boss knows it well so I can ask her scads of questions. Anyways see you all later. Laura

18 June 2006

the internet and i

I really hate our internet connection it works for my roommate throughout the day, and then magically I come home and boom! it stops working. I have DSL shouldn't that be working, but no, Verizon owns the lines and I have to suffer. GRRRR.. I need to clean my apartment so my boss and her IT hubby can come over and see if he can find the glich. Or tell me that with my apartment I have to switch to Cable. I don't want to switch to cable, but if I have to I have to.

I went to church today so I got to see people I don't normally get to see. It was the first time I had made it there since my surgery. It was good to be back. The church was a blast, they are having VBS (vacation bible school) and it is a fiesta theme, so the church was decked out for that this week since they decorated yesterday.

I am still trying to catch up with all my reading from the other week, man, I think I am going to have the school make it so my laptop will work here so i can stay after work and do some more school work before going home. Ugg, is all that I can feel about that. I never studied in this library while I was a student, and now that I am a grad student at a different school I will be using the library to study in, how ironic is that?

14 June 2006

Migraines and Mindgames

I am not sure what is worse, the pain in my belly or the pain in my head. I get all excited over things, like being able to work from home on a half day schedule this week and then come home to find out that the not only is the internet not working none of the jacks in the apartment are working. So my roommate goes and calls everyone she can think of to solve the problem. Our apartment maintance people come over, finally today (because it isn't an emergency) and all of the jacks, even the one in the living room that hasn't worked since we got a phone line are now working!

Of course I woke up with a migraine that I haven't experienced in ages, shakes, chills, nausea, auras, pain in my sinus cavities and teeth, and can't take my prescription for it because I have to be on the meds the doctor gave me for my surgery. So it took until about 3:30pm this afternoon before I could stand to uncover my eyes.

I am still trying to wade through all the reading I missed out on from last week. There is so much on a normal basis that getting through all of this info for two weeks is feeling a little too heavy. Oh, well. Life happens and will continue to keep going whether I fail or pass. Though I fully intend to pass! Have a grand day!

12 June 2006

Hello again

I am back again. I have had my gallbladder removed, and now am once again at a computer, though still rather uncomfortable. I still feel rather bruised and cannot laugh hard, cough or sneeze. I had no idea there were so many stomach muscles involved in those processes.

I finished the next paper and have so much reading that needs to happen. My evenings all this week and probably next will go towards reading to try and catch up from last week. Narcotics are rather dangerous things, I hardly felt them working the first 2 days I was in so much pain, and then they put me asleep for the next three days, I would be doing some reading and then suddenly would get ridiculously dizzy and then start to sleep for at least 3-5 hours. Not well mind you, I would sleep 5 minutes, then wake up suddenly only to fall asleep again. Fun times let me tell you.

Though it was nice to see my parents, I haven't seen them since Christmas so I was very glad to have them here. After having gone through the surgery it still surprises me it is outpatient. Though for me, the problem was that my nurse left too soon after the surgery so she couldn't explain some of the circumstances to my new nurse. Oh well, it is over with. Now if only the bruising would go away. I am supposed to start work tomorrow and am a little nervous there is so much I still can't do. And sitting upright for 2 hours seems to be one of them. :) Anyways have a great day.

05 June 2006

This is the day.. but for what?

I don't know. I am sad and glad about the quiz getting moved. I got through all the material, now I shall have to read over my notes everyday or so to try and remember it all for the July 5th quiz. Also can anyone explain to me how to get "subscriptions" that is what my xanga account calls them anyways. They are "friends" on myspace.

I am having a hard time concentrating. There is so much that needs done. I am trying to remember my undergraduate days, how did I do it? I think I had less work with 18 credit hours than with 6 in graduate. I once again feel like a hermit.

I get to see my parents they are coming up for my surgery tomorrow. I am having my gallbladder out. I had hoped they would have let me have surgery earlier this year but they kept wanting to run tests. So now I am off for a week. Let's hope I can still keep up with my reading. Have a great week.

02 June 2006

I think I am very far behind

I am so far behind, I keep trying to catch up and yet seem to keep lagging behind. I only just found the homework posting site. This last week I have been trying to catch up on reading, and I keep calling the DSL company trying to get them to fix my connection because it is taking forever to get anything related to FT to download.

Maybe after my surgery I will have time to sit down and try to figure this class out. I am so confused and seem to be missing things. I think I need to talk to my group members to see where they are at. This is one class that I wish I had the in-classroom experience for. I didn't realize how technologically inept I am.