07 September 2007

It's a new day

I spent over an hour looking for open opportunities dealing with this classes topic. I found one, but the timing doesn't work with my work schedule. They need someone while I am still at work. So now I am contacting various community centers and senior centers. I know there used to be a program similar to this at my ministry (crisis pregnancy center), but it has been years since something like this has been done there. Mostly due to the lack of access to computers with internet.

And I have to say, my schedule spoiled me this Summer. I am so busy this semester that it reminds me of our first semester Summer course. I wonder how many of the hours I can use in my library. Even my student workers who have grown up in the digital age haven't the foggiest idea about databases, government documents, and business dealings they have access to on the web. Then I have the graduate students who are returning to school after 25-40 years. They are stunned that there is no card catalog. They are only truly aware of email. Anything else is beyond them.

There are plenty of opportunies, it is just figuring out where to move with it.

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