15 December 2007


I really do hate long papers. I have such trouble with communicating the thoughts that are going through my head. It would take a book series to completely express all of the information that I went through for this paper. I have something like 60 articles, and 9 books on my dining room table. The problem is I couldn't add them in, without sounding like a brainless moron. There is so much stuff out there. Much to my chagrin I didn't feel like it worked to add in hardly any of the philosophers but Berners-Lee. (Odd, I wanted to add this one Lessig comment dealing with the Kindle so badly, so I will leave it here.

Lawrence Lessig: I have been doing this for about two years--more than 100 of these gigs. This is about the last one. One more and it's over for me. So I figured I wanted to write a song to end it. But then I realized I don't sing and I can't write music. But I came up with the refrain, at least, right? This captures the point. If you understand this refrain, you're gonna' understand everything I want to say to you today. It has four parts:

  • Creativity and innovation always builds on the past.

  • The past always tries to control the creativity that builds upon it.

  • Free societies enable the future by limiting this power of the past.

  • Ours is less and less a free society. 1

I just couldn't seem to add this without going off on some completely random tangent.)

Dr. Shulman, I do believe in Service learning, I am a convert, but doing it for one class I think is the problem. I think I am more of a advocate for it as a whole year or program long activity. I am only starting to receive back answers from a couple of the organizations I sent inquiries to now. Slow response time.

Okay I am off to work on some Christmas presents. Have a lovely Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

1. http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/214

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