31 July 2006

Almost there

I am almost done, I just need to do make sure I have done everything. I am pretty sure I have, but I just want to be sure. I haven't had internet all weekend, and on top of that my roommates parents came to visit. It was nice seeing them again, but I wish that these last two weeks could have been without all the disturbances and distractions, like construction, and more leaks. Yeah, thats right they replaced everything and now it has mold again. However, due to our coming over to the main office with a digital camera, showed them what it looked like. Annoying things, and we have to put in a request to get any compensation or money off our rent. Anyways, due to the fact that I cooked, and it is like 85degrees in here, I think I am going to close the windows and doors and turn the air conditioning on. Oh, and read something fun.

28 July 2006


So I finished Free Culture last night, it made me hate Congresses decisions on the whole copyright act thing.

They are still doing construction on my apartment, no one was there yesterday, so I need to call them back, my roommate's parents are suppossed to come this weekend, which means that I would like to reconstruct my bathroom, and get my bathroom stuff out of my bedroom.

I have a new cousin, Josiah Robert as of Wednesday evening, please pray for him. Apparently the new doctor they got when they moved is an idiot and one of the reasons why malpractice is so high in the state of WV. They did a test so late in her pregnancy that Josiah Robert is anemic and dehydrated. He also had the ambilical cord around his neck so they are keeping him until Saturday instead of Monday because he is doing so well.

Now I am reading the Anarchist in the Library I am hoping to fly through it this evening. I want to get the last discussion written. I am ready to read something that I want to read, (aka something with little to no educational value).

26 July 2006


I don't know about you all but I cannot believe that this semester is almost over, I also cannot believe that I still have 3 books that I am working through, I think I am going crazy trying to finish them all. I am tired and I want to go home, however being without a car that isn't going to happen. That and I am working, and will continue to work when I get home. You'd think with the fact that I am all alone since my roommate is once again house and dog sitting this week that I would be getting a lot accomplished, but unfortunately that hasn't been the case. Oh well, everything will get accomplished, it always does.

25 July 2006

I need a weekend to myself!

Hello All, I am tired. I got back from Pittsburgh, and my family was here on vacation, so I had little to no time alone, or any ability to work on my homework, there was no where to go, and while I took my books with me everywhere in the vain attempt to get some reading done, it was pretty hopeless until my parents left Sunday afternoon.

And I am tired also because I keep having to dope myself up on allergy medication because of the mold in my apartment. They told me they were coming in yesterday to tear down the walls and fix the pipes in the bathroom, but then I called when they hadn't shown up by 2:00 in the afternoon, and the woman said that it wasn't until today that they were going to show up. Sigh. I was hoping to be there to discuss what the specifics were going to be with the contractor, so I could keep the cats away, and if necessary move them over to the apartment that they had open for us in case we have to be out of our apartment for a day or two. I don't want my cats to get out while they are working.

On more pleasant news, I am going to be an "aunt" again today. My cousin Rachel is being induced since she has been in labor for a week already (can I just say "oww"). So little Josiah will be here shortly or already is here. I also found out what 2 of my other pregnant cousins are having. Kristine is having a boy that they are naming Taylor Donovan, and Jessica is having a girl named Reagan, but they aren't due until November, the same time my boss is due. I feel like I am surrounded by female horomones.

20 July 2006

Today is today

Sorry no creativity left....must get sleep...or I will pass out on desk.

19 July 2006

Stuck at home

Hello, I hope everyone made it home safely. I am soo tired, however because of all the storms last night. I am at my sister's apartment it is her birthday so my mom is making her favorite biscuits and sausage gravy. There is no power at work so I stayed to help get any and all water removed from around the books and then I got to go home again since they don't know when they will have power again. So I am going to continue reading "The meaning of everything." Bye, bye.

14 July 2006

On Campus

I am in Pittsburgh, and I am tired!! It happens, I have walked more in the last 3 days then I did all last year, which is a pity because it means I have been a lazy bum, but now my feet and body are telling me I suck. I am hoping my blisters go away, 5 in three days is a bit much, luckily Judith took me to the store (no we didn't get lost! we decided instead to take the long way to the store) and I got bandaids.

I also went on the Cathedral of Learning Nationality Classrooms tour, and it was lovely, but some of the classrooms smell really weird. I really should take another Allegra D, it works wonderfully well. I am on the internet in the hotel, and unless you are in the lobby it is 10 bucks a day, that is truly ridiculous, but unfortunately I have no "relax" clothes, and so when I took a shower when I got home all I had were my PJ's. So Sunday I am going to take my laptop to Hilman or the Cathedral of Learning and work on some stuff before I come back to my room. I would do it for tomorrow, but it is the baseball game and so I don't want to take my laptop with me. Anyways, talk to you later.

10 July 2006

Do not like one book summaries!

I have to say, I hate one book summaries. They just are not my cup of tea. I have such a hard time coming up with an angle. With two or three books it is easy to compare and contrast ideas and philosophies, but one book, especially one that is in no way controversial is a bit of a strain. I always think that the paper stinks. And I have to work on my bibliographies. I have no idea how to site web address and articles that I got off of course web. I only had MLA in undergrad and it isn't very through on those.

Otherwise I am trying to clean and pack for Pittsburgh, I am not at all sure what I am doing. I think I am going to call my cousin and then get started on packing. I need to clean because my parents and brother are coming up to stay with me as soon as I get back from Pittsburgh, and while my roommate does help clean, there are some areas that she never remembers, the bathroom floor and kitchen floor being two examples. However I do have to say she does an excellent job of the living room and bedroom. Anyways I have to go, I also want to get an idea of what I need to do for school while I am away.

08 July 2006

Yeah!!!! my site is finished!

I finished the website. Yeah, all the people rejoice!!! I know a little melodramatic, but I am tired, and I am so happy to figure everything out. Though I cannot take all the credit myself. That lovely discussion board and the cohort is what gets me through. Now if only I can finish all my readings for the week. :-) I am so very happy. I am trying to decide now on outfits, this is the first real trip I have gone on in years that doesn't involve going to see a relative, it actually matters to a certain degree what I wear. So now everyone, au revior.

06 July 2006

Working and Cold's do not mix

I am still working on NVU I am trying to figure out the last couple of instructions so that I can finish this site so as to move on to the last assignment. I also need to keep reading the books that we have assignments for along with everything else. I am still amazed at how much work there is in Grad school. I knew there was a lot, but most the the grad students around my college don't look nearly as frazzled as the undergrad. I will have to come up with a theory about that later. I am still sick only now I have cold medicine, which is making the world a slightly more funny place.
My nose vaguely resembles that famous reindeer's. Have fun now.

Things to figure out.

-inline formatting
-getting 12pt font
-getting my RSS feed for my blog
-figuring out the Feed2JS link.

05 July 2006


I just looked at a bunch of people's Nvu projects and I must say I am jealous. They looked wonderful. I am still trying to figure out if I am doing everything correctly. I suppose I will have to ask next week. I can't believe we have our quiz finally. I am going to do it when I get home, now that I know it isn't due until tomorrow.

I have a cold. It stinks. I haven't had one since I moved out of the dorms at school, so about 18 months. Now because I had surgery, I get one just by touching the cough drop bag that the person with a cold touches. That stinks. Also my car is basically dead at this point, which is amazingly exciting.

I have to finish my Access Principle book so I can do the report this weekend. That should be good. Anyways, have a fun day everyone.

02 July 2006

Hello 4th of July!

Yes, I know it isn't the 4th of July, however it will be. My car is still in denial that it wants to work, so I get to call AAA. I put off doing it on Saturday because I got my hair cut. And Sunday is supposedly a day of rest. (So in honor of the Lord's day, I try and do things that don't make me want to swear.)

I hear at present the melodious sounds of people setting off generic fireworks, supposedly illegal, but still found in most neighborhoods this time of year. We had a marvelous thunder and lightening storm come through earlier this evening. I keep feeling sorry for all the rain we have been receiving because I know that there have been some heavily hit areas. But I love thunder and lightening storms, they are amazing things. Seeing all that power unleashed, power that scientists have been trying to harness or replicate for eons. Sorry my mind is wandering, and when it wanders it tends to be a bit spastic. Well anyways, if I don't remember to post tomorrow, happy 4th of July!