10 July 2006

Do not like one book summaries!

I have to say, I hate one book summaries. They just are not my cup of tea. I have such a hard time coming up with an angle. With two or three books it is easy to compare and contrast ideas and philosophies, but one book, especially one that is in no way controversial is a bit of a strain. I always think that the paper stinks. And I have to work on my bibliographies. I have no idea how to site web address and articles that I got off of course web. I only had MLA in undergrad and it isn't very through on those.

Otherwise I am trying to clean and pack for Pittsburgh, I am not at all sure what I am doing. I think I am going to call my cousin and then get started on packing. I need to clean because my parents and brother are coming up to stay with me as soon as I get back from Pittsburgh, and while my roommate does help clean, there are some areas that she never remembers, the bathroom floor and kitchen floor being two examples. However I do have to say she does an excellent job of the living room and bedroom. Anyways I have to go, I also want to get an idea of what I need to do for school while I am away.

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