28 July 2006


So I finished Free Culture last night, it made me hate Congresses decisions on the whole copyright act thing.

They are still doing construction on my apartment, no one was there yesterday, so I need to call them back, my roommate's parents are suppossed to come this weekend, which means that I would like to reconstruct my bathroom, and get my bathroom stuff out of my bedroom.

I have a new cousin, Josiah Robert as of Wednesday evening, please pray for him. Apparently the new doctor they got when they moved is an idiot and one of the reasons why malpractice is so high in the state of WV. They did a test so late in her pregnancy that Josiah Robert is anemic and dehydrated. He also had the ambilical cord around his neck so they are keeping him until Saturday instead of Monday because he is doing so well.

Now I am reading the Anarchist in the Library I am hoping to fly through it this evening. I want to get the last discussion written. I am ready to read something that I want to read, (aka something with little to no educational value).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.